
Hope Westall
Max Patch

Max Patch

It was the embodiment of beauty, of ambition, of accomplishment and awe. It was everything I never knew you could share with people who were strangers only months before. It was love.   

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Hope Westall
The Stories Behind the Meals

The Stories Behind the Meals

Over the course of the next few months we will be sharing these stories with you! It will help you to understand more about the places that have inspired us over this journey in bringing Alt Route Meals into your life and into your packs!

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Hope Westall
Sauce Matters.

Sauce Matters.

"I'm not sure what happened last night, but I woke up half naked and covered in BBQ Sauce. I don't think the hotel is giving us our deposit back...."

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Hope Westall
The Start

The Start

As most adventures draw to a close we are left with an unrivaled sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, accompanied by a void and the inexplicable nagging question of ‘What now?’  For me, I had discovered the answer and it was drawing me back home to Tennessee. 

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